Technology is an increasingly important factor when providing information and education. If you've thought about using eLearning, podcasts or videos as part of your education, we have provided you with some tips and tricks to get you started!

If you are still unsure how or where to start, our team can guide you on what kind of technology-enhanced learning solution would suit your needs.

Tips and tricks

Ways to reduce cognitive load

This infographic summarises ways to reduce cognitive load for multimedia learning.

Tips to reinvent online teaching

Some ideas to reinvent your teaching techniques for an online platform.

How to present an effective webinar

A collection of handy tips for presenting an effective and engaging webinar.

phone camera

How to use your smart phone to record educational videos

A guide for how to use your smart phone to record educational videos.


Loom video recording tool 

With Loom, you can capture your screen, voice, and face and share your video through email or other methods.

  • Before you start recording have your share screen up and ready - this may be your PowerPoint presentation for example.
  • Close all other windows and applications, including your email inbox as alert sounds will be heard in your video.
  • For optimal audio, record with a headset with an inbuilt microphone. This will eliminate any background noise, or record in a small quiet room.

If you're interested to know more or require access to Loom, email

Resources to get you started with Loom:

A video to help you download, install and do your first recording.

Getting started with Loom

How to use Loom


The Online Education Puzzle

Health care professionals have a growing need to deliver education online and use technology to enable an enhanced learning experience for their learners and evaluation at the end. But where do you start?!

Medical Education has developed a series of interactive modules to help you piece together all the information you need to deliver a successful and sustainable online education project.

Learn more


How to use Zoom

A guide to use Zoom Video Communications.


How to use your iPhone or iPad to record decent audio

A basic guide to recording audio files on the go!

How to script for podcasting

A guide to script for podcasting.

Using your smart phone to manage RCH resources and apps

A guide to manage resources and apps within your Android or iOS device.